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$8 per table
Puedes acomodar 6-8 sillas por mesa
Can fit approximately 6-8 chairs per table
$75 Per machine a day
Cotton candy
$1.00 per chair and gray chairs $1.50
Save when you bundle!
1 moonwalk
1 Tables
6 chairs
1 Brincolin
1 Mesas
6 Sillas
$100+ Tax
Limited to Moonwalks only
Limitado solo a
1 Moonwalk
2 Tables
12 Chairs
1 (Star) Piñata
1 Brincolin
2 Mesas
12 Sillas
1 (Estrella)Piñata
$140 + Tax
Limited to Moonwalks only
Limitado solo a Brincolines
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